May 10, 2013

{Friday's Letters}

Dear hubs, I sure missed you this week and I am so so happy that you are back home.  Dear Brinkley, you are the sweetest pup around, except when I need you to be quiet you always seem to be the most hyper I've ever seen- let's work on that.  Dear sleep, please stop evading me.  I need you more than ever right now.  Dear creepy neighbors, you moved!  I can hear the hallelujah chorus now.  Dear Mr. Johnson (that's right, two shoutouts!), thank you for making me feel loved when we went on your trip.  Nothing like coming home to a whole bunch of surprise notes in all kinds of fun places for me to find- you're the best.  Dear Target, you got me again.  Dear momma, happy happy Mother's Day! I can't wait to see you next week!  Dear emotions, get a hold of yourself.  Maybe it ties in to getting hardly any sleep, but last night when I watched that movie with a bunch of pregnant women in it and couldn't stop crying, well that was just a bit much. (And NO, I am not pregnant!..yet ;))


  1. Stopping by from The Sweet Season! Hope you have a great weekend! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Creepy neighbors are the worst! Adios to them!

  3. Share some of that Target over here!!!
    Found you on The Sweet Seasons :-)

  4. You're the cutest and sweetest little wife ever! Glad you have your hubs back :)

    xo, Ky

  5. Love that picture of you too! And PTL for those neighbors going bye bye!


Thank you for your sweet comments - I read each one!