December 4, 2013

Bellevue Days 1-3

So far we have been a having a blast in Bellevue.  This town goes all out for Christmas.  Every street is lined with festive holiday decor, all of the stores have sweet decorations in their windows for passersby, and each evening at 7:00 they hold a musical Christmas show on "snowflake lane" for everyone to come watch.  More to come on that in a future post.

For now, here's a little insight into the last couple of days. Disclaimer:  I forgot my actual camera at home, so all of these pictures are taken by my phone. Sorry for the low quality!



A little ornament hunting at Crate and Barrel.  

Giving our bodies a break and refreshing ourselves with some fresh squeezed juice.


The painting I made in painting class.


The view from our hotel room.  {I know the second one is blurry, but that's Mount St. Helens}


Watching the Christmas parade with my man from the skybridge.


Taking walks down "snowflake lane."


  1. Oh what fun! These pictures are so festive. Definitely getting me in the mood for Christmas....just gotta get past finals first!!

  2. Love those ornaments, such a cute blog :)

    Sincerely Miss Ash

  3. Such a cute town! I love it when cities go all out for the holidays and decorate.


Thank you for your sweet comments - I read each one!