Happy New Year! I can't believe it's already 2014. I mean, weren't we just celebrating a new millenium and Y2K? I hope that you all had a safe and happy new year's eve. The hubs and I celebrated like the party animals that we are and went out to dinner, came home, threw on our jammies, read our books, watched a juicing documentary to get pumped for a healthy start to 2014, and fell asleep by, ohhh I don't know-10! haha. Party hard, right?
Over the last few weeks (months actually, but more on that in another post), I have been reflecting on life and how I want to live it, and about how I will wish I had done things and lived when I look back in 50 years. I really want to be a well-rounded, Christ-centered, loving, encouraging, and inspiring woman. But I can't just hope that will happen someday. The change and the living starts today. Not to say that the last 23 years have been wasted, because certainly they haven't! I've had a wonderful life and have been blessed to do so many things that I love and have so many great memories. And I just want that to continue, but this year in a more intentional and real way.
I've been doing some serious praying, and feel like I know the direction
that God is leading me. There are going to be some big changes this
year and even though some of those things scare me and remain unknown, I
know that God has it all under control and as long as I follow His will
then nothing can fail. With that being said, after praying over my
goals for 2014 this is what I've come up with:
- read the Bible cover to cover
- use my degree
- make a quilt
- make a table runner
- re-evaluate and make some changes to the blog
- run a 1/2 marathon
- write at least one snail-mail letter/ month
- journal 3 times/ week
- read 15 books in 12 months (at least 4 of them I want to be growth books, aka for my marriage/faith/finances/etc.)
- do a 3 day juice cleanse
- plan a vacation for Nick and I
- start a garden
- start my mornings in the Word and in prayer
- have one social media- free weekend/ month
- shop local and seasonal produce and buy organic whenever possible
- continue in a vegetarian/vegan diet and more towards a raw diet
- join a women's Bible study/ youth ministry to lead at church
- make a leisurely trip to Oregon to see family
- can beans, salsa, and jams over the summer
- improve my photography skills and get a new camera
These are my personal goals. Nick and I have our goals together for the upcoming year, but this is my personal list that I want to do and improve on. Living with intent and in a simpler way is the main goal. And that starts with the small stuff. To do big you also have to do little.
So here are my January goals too:
- read Matthew, Ecclesiastes, Ruth, and Colossians
- run at least 15 mi/ week
- buy produce at the farmer's market
- journal twice per week
- write at least 3 blog posts each week (sorry I've been slacking!)
- pray 10 minutes each morning before work
- begin sewing pieces of my quilt together
- write a letter to a relative
- have one social-media free weekend
- 15 in 12: read Love Does by Bob Goff
- lift weights 2x/ week
- take Brinkley to the beach at least 3 times
- try 2 new recipes
- take a bubble bath
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