February 2, 2014

Newest happenings, some changes, and February goals

I know I've said in the past couple of posts that there are going to be some big changes coming soon.  Along with these changes have come some chaos and time has been seemingly slipping through my fingers.  I've been sick the last couple of weeks and in my time recovering I have been doing a lot of thinking.  I want even more change right now.  So, it's coming guys.  I'll spill some of the beans now.

*First of all let me put out a disclaimer:  I am not pregnant, so don't go getting any ideas.  Glad that's out of the way.*
Probably the most major change is that Nick and I are moving.  We don't know where, but we do know approximately when.  His job kindly gives us about a week's notice of where we are going, but hey at least we know it's coming!  And in all honesty, I am pretty excited for this adventure and what will come of it.  The second change is that I quit my job.  It was a hard thing, but obviously necessary.  This is actually my last week there and even though it's hard, it will be nice to have more time to do the things I really love.  More minor changes are coming, however with my new-found time they are actually pretty important to me.  Things like training the dog better, starting a recipe book (with my own created recipes!), reading more, doing more yoga/ stretching, spending more time with the girls I used to nanny, and giving this blog some much needed attention and a makeover.

The month of January was pretty chaotic and because of that I wasn't able to accomplish all of the goals that I set out to do.  I'm bummed about it, but it's the truth and I think being honest is good.  So needless to say, I'm very excited for February and for the upcoming challenges.  So without further adieu, here are my goals for February:

  • finish Genesis & read Luke, 1 Corinthians, Exodus, and Proverbs
  • attend a yoga class and possibly join a fitness facility
  • take Brinkley to the beach 4 times (weather permitting)
  • run 15-20 mi/ week
  • begin a blog makeover
  • write down and organize my recipes
  • teach Brinkley that jumping is not okay EVER and to come the first time I say it
  • 15 in 12: finish A Complete Guide to Money by Dave Ramsey and read Not a Fan by Kyle Idleman
  • strength train 3x/ week
  • organize and purge the hall closet
  • have one social media free day per week
  • write a letter to a friend and relative 
  • give myself a facial
  • pray 10 minutes every morning after my devotional 
  • go on a special date with Nick
  • make a Valentine's Day dessert
I'm excited and ready for you February!  What are your goals this month?

1 comment:

  1. What an exciting time for you guys as you await your next move! And, happy that you will be able to do all of the things you love really soon. Wishing you well & a happy first week of February!

    xo, Kylie Rae


Thank you for your sweet comments - I read each one!