November 19, 2014

taking stock..again

It's a good idea for us to take a step back from our lives, look around, and evaluate areas that we are thankful for, some that need growth and write down the memories.  Call it cliche, but tis the season for thankfulness, goals, and recognizing blessings so I thought it'd be a good time to look at life and write it down.  Here it goes.

Making : time for trying new things.
Cooking : thanksgiving. or practicing that is. I gave it a go for round 1 last weekend and feel much more prepared for the real deal next week.
Drinking : h2o.  per usual.
Reading : The Last Sin Eater.  Francine Rivers knows what it's all about.
Wanting : a baby. But anyone who knows me at all already knows that.  :)
Looking: for the perfect plaid shirt.
Playing: nothing.  I deleted all of the games off my phone.
Wasting: gas.  Go to work.  Come home.  Go to dog park.  Come home.  Go to gym.  Come home.  Repeat.
Sewing: a blanket. still.
Wishing: I still lived near the beach.
Enjoying: sweet everyday moments with my husband.  I'm realizing more everyday what a gift it is for our time together.  I'm so grateful to spend life with such an amazing human.
Waiting: to decorate for Christmas.  It's so hard and I'm so ready!
Liking: Gotham.  My Monday's got wayyy better.
Wondering: what the future holds.
Loving: hearing Brinkley snore.
Hoping: my cracked and chapped lips heal quickly.
Marveling: at how quickly the seasons have changed.
Needing: new bed sheets.
Smelling:  fresh basil.  I got a new plant last week and its got the kitchen smelling amazing.
Wearing: sweaty post-workout clothes.
Following: advice. live in the moment.
Noticing: I need to dust.
Knowing: not as much as I think I do.
Thinking: about the ice cream in the freezer that I have a love-hate relationship with right now.
Feeling: excited.  I can't wait to see my brother home from Spain in less than 3 weeks!
Bookmarking: emails I have yet to respond to.
Opening: my heart up to others.  let's just be real people.
Giggling: as often as possible.
Feeling: thankful.

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