February 12, 2015

12 weeks preggas update

How far along?  12 weeks

How big is baby?  a lime (about 2 inches).  grow baby grow!

Total weight gain/ loss: up 4 lbs

Maternity clothes?  None yet.  Although I have decided to retire a certain pair of jeans for the duration of this pregnancy.  Tight button in the growing belly isn't exactly my idea of comfortable.

Sleep:  like a rock.  weeks 9-10 I had a hard time sleeping, but that has passed

Best moment this week:  Hearing sweet baby's heartbeat and seeing it for the first time! We are so in love already.

Movement:  Not that I can feel.

Food cravings:  Salad, berries, watermelon, yogurt (lots of yogurt!), cereal, toast

Any aversions:  chicken.  the smell is enough to make me want to toss my cookies.

Gender:  Don't know yet. 

Labor signs:  better not!

Pregnancy symptoms:  So. Tired.  I feel like I could sleep all day, but that's really started easing up in the last 2 weeks.  I experienced only mild nausea for a couple weeks and never got too sick.  Mostly just smells bother me.

What I miss:  sushi, wine, coffee (I know I can have some, but the thought of actually drinking/ tasting it doesn't appeal to me right now)

What I'm looking forward to:  having an actual bump instead of a pudge that just makes me look like I over-ate haha

Upcoming appointments/ events:  Big physical and measuring appointment at the end of the month

Milestones:  We finally were able to announce it publicly!  Family found out Christmas day, and some friends since then, but it's been so fun to finally share it with the world!  Also, last week of the first trimester!

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  1. Congratulations! So excited for you.

  2. Beyond excited for your growing family. Congratulations you mommy to be! xx


Thank you for your sweet comments - I read each one!