I'm a little late on the resolutions bandwagon for the year, but better late than never right? Actually I don't really have any resolutions so that's probably why I never wrote about them. Lately, though, I've been struck with a word, a theme I guess, that really seems to drive home what I want 2015 to be about. Be intentional. I want to live each aspect of life with a purpose. So cliche, but I really mean it.
- I want to be more intentional with my time- more reading, praying, spending time with friends/ family, making memories, and less time with my phone or in front of a screen.
- I hope to be more intentional in my home- I already keep a clean house, but I'd like to decorate it more with my taste and spend time doing DIY projects to make the space feel more like our home.
- Being intentional in my role as a wife- finding creative ways throughout the week to make Nick feel special, speaking only uplifting things into his life, respond to conflict in a godly way. I want to be more intentional with our money- I say this every month, but it's so hard. Stick to the budget, use the envelope system, save like crazy, and plan inexpensive yet healthy meals that will last for a while to help the food budget go further (food seems to be where we struggle the most when trying to keep to the budget).
- Be intentional in my walk with Christ- start every day out in prayer, take time to be still and silent before Him and give my day, time and energy to Him. Trust in His guiding for my day and time, read a devotional and continue in the Word each day.
- Be intentional with my worries and fears- give them over to God, trust His plan, worrying doesn't solve anything and only causes me to worry more and not be content.
- Be intentional with our health- this goes along with planning meals, but eat more whole foods and less processed. We generally do a good job, but lately desserts seem to be creeping into the scene more and more. Stay consistent with exercising at least 4 days/week.
- Finally, be intentional with rest- give myself a break. Don't overdo it. No one, especially myself, will benefit if I don't take a step back. Learn to say no and not to overload my schedule. Give myself time to recharge so that I can give of myself better to relationships and those in my life.
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Thank you for your sweet comments - I read each one!