I feel very strongly that I want to simplify my home, my time, my relationships, my spending, my commitments, and even my food choices. What a way to live! Knowing that it's okay to say no to something and not feel bad about it. Teaching my children that things do not matter the way that relationships and God do. Showing my kids what a healthy lifestyle looks like from the inside out. Before I could ever teach that, I need to be living that.
I have felt the urge to purge for the last few months and I can hardly wait to get started. So without further ado...
2017 Goals
- do a whole house purge- this will include: clothes, shoes, bedding, hall closets, mudroom, bathrooms, garage, holiday decorations, kitchen, bedrooms, pantry, toys
- do a 60 day sugar fast
- run a 5k post-baby
- take a weekend vacation with no kids
- have 1 (or more) social media-free weekend/ month
- read 15 books
- have a mother-daughter overnight trip with my mom
- join a gym
- have friends/ neighbors over for dinner at least once a month
- follow the envelope system by Dave Ramsey
- do swim lessons with Addy
- commit to the young adults ministry at church
I am excited to see where 2017 will take me and my family. Here's to a fresh start and a new year!
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