November 11, 2013

A friendly visitor, a bomb Saturday, and yummy food

Whew!  You guys, this weekend was a whirlwind.  I have no idea where the time went, and I feel like I packed so much into 2 days, especially Saturday.  Nick and I woke up bright and early Saturday morning (we're talking 5:30 am sharp!), hopped in the car and drove an hour to OC to see my best friend who was in town visiting her family.  It had been a year since I'd seen this girl and to say I was excited is a huge understatement. 

We started our day off as any normal girls would do: by getting coffee (or tea in both our cases) and breakfast.  We went to Milk + Honey in Newport Beach and had the best breakfast and tea lattes ever.
Obviously our next stop was Balboa Island where we walked, talked, and window shopped.  I love Balboa, and each time I go there I am in so much awe at the vast sea.  I also am in love with sailboats and cute houses and walks with a view, which is probably the main reason for my obsession with that place.





We were only able to spend a few hours with Lauren, but I'm so thankful for them!  After a busy morning, Nick and I decided to head back in the direction of home and make a pit stop in Redondo Beach for some delicious seafood.  (we kind of ate a lot that day..)  


We walked around the pier, snapped more pictures of the beach, and got a milkshake.  I thought Nick was going to burst out in song, he thought it was the best milkshake of his life and wanted the world to know. haha.  But I'd have to say, it was pretty dang yummy.
After an amazing and long day, we finished off by driving home into the gorgeous sunset and going almost straight to bed.


Lauren, thank you so much for making time to see me while you were down here! I am so beyond blessed to have a friend like you and Saturday totally felt like old times.  I can't wait to see you again in a few weeks.  Love you!

1 comment:

  1. It was so so fun!! I am glad I got to see you! It looks like you guys had a blast on the way back! Love you!


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