April 10, 2013

oh, just a few things

I can't stop drinking smoothies.  Maybe this has something to do with the fact that I am on a medication that makes me completely have no appetite, but all I want these days is a good ol' fruit-filled smoothie.  So I get up every morning, workout, and make myself one.  What's better?

Old movies.  Whether it's "Some Like It Hot" or "Breakfast at Tiffany's," we are all about watching old films these days.  We even set up a tent in our living room last weekend and had a camp-out while watching one.

This face.  Gets. Me. Every. Time.

Waking up to a beautiful day.  Or waking up when it's dark outside still, but the birds are already up early singing their hearts out.  It's my favorite way to start the day.

Rollerblading.  Enough said.

Holding hands with my husband and talking about our dreams.  One of the greatest blessings in my life is that man.  I would be lost without him.

So that's just some of what I've been up to and loving lately!  What about you? :)

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