December 31, 2013

2013: what a year // reflecting

2013 you've been good to me.  I am amazed at how fast the time flew this year.  It seems like just yesterday that we were welcoming 2013 as the new year.  But as I sit and reflect on the things that happened and the lessons learned over this past year, I can't help but be grateful.  There were indeed some challenges, but with those challenges came much growth.  I love the sentiment of "closing a chapter" on a year and welcoming the new year with a sense of renewal, refreshment, and opportunity.  I have many exciting plans for 2014 (to be shared tomorrow), but for now I want to reflect on the blessings of 2013.

  • January:  My brother came to visit and so did my parents.  We spent much time at the beach, exploring new cities, and I began to think about looking for a job.
  • February:  Our friends came to visit from Oregon for a few days and stayed with us.  We went to Palm Desert.  I got a job.  We celebrated our first Valentine's Day as a married couple.
  • March:  Brinkley entered our lives and we were forever changed (in a good way!).  We ran a 10k together. Nick turned 24.
  • April:  We went to Disneyland!  I turned 23.  Brinkley came home. 
  • May:  My mom came for a visit.  We spent lots of time at the beach.  We got a new car.  We went camping for the first time with a pup.  We drove through the Malibu Canyon and explored.
  • June:  We welcomed summer by going on hikes, playing tennis, going to the park nearly every day, and picked berries at the local patch.  We spent time at the pool.
  • July:  We went to a 4th of July BBQ and picnic.  One of my best friends got married and I was a bridesmaid.  We went to Oregon to visit family and celebrate friends.  We went to Hurricane Harbor.
  • August:  We roadtripped from L.A. to Portland.  Nick's brother got married and Nick was the best man.  We went to San Francisco.  Brinkley finally learned to like water and began to swim a lot.
  • September:  We celebrated our 1 year anniversary!  We went to San Diego.  We hiked, got to know our neighbors, and spent time at the pool.
  • October: We went to the pumpkin patch.  We ate too much halloween candy.  We watched football, and went for lots of walks and runs.
  • November:  We went to Oregon to visit.  We spent Thanksgiving with family.  Brinkley rode an airplane for the first time.  
  • December:  We spent time in Bellevue, WA.  We were able to play in the snow.  We hosted a murder mystery Christmas party.  We celebrated Christmas in L.A. just the two of us.  We spent time going on walks, and at the beach.
 2013, you were a good year.  I am so blessed by everything I learned and I can't wait for this next chapter of adventures.

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