August 1, 2014

realizations + August goals

It blows my mind that we are now into August and the last full month of summer.  Where on earth did the time go?  July was so full for me.  Full of special moments, memories, lessons, and lots of down time.  Which was much needed by the way.  I ended up leaving my job due to some unforeseen circumstances and started a new one shortly after.  That in and of itself made for some interesting changes and great opportunities to do more around the home and for some real time with my husband.  Of course our time away in Canada also helped in reconnecting and refocusing our priorities and our marriage.

I loved July.  There were plenty of moments for real life and for making memories.  I was fairly conscious about putting my phone and the computer away when Nick and I were together and instead to focus on the moment.  I read more, baked more, prayed more, and spent more time with friends and family.  We picked berries, hiked, had picnics, made cobbler, sat on the patio to sip tea and watch the sunset, went for more runs together, took a nap in the hammock, harvested the garden, took away the TV for the last 2 weeks, read and prayed together more, swam in the river spontaneously, and lived fuller.  It was wonderful.  August will be that way too, only more so.  I have realized more in the last few weeks about myself and about the way I want my life to look like when I reach the end and look back.  Nick and I have agreed: the moments spent with loved ones and making an impact for Christ through relationships will be what matters in the end.  I want to strive for simple.  I want to strive for real.  I want to strive to be a godly example, witness, friend, and wife.  And to live a life that reflects all these things.

August 2014
  • have a picnic and watch the sunset
  • follow the budget/ use the envelope system more diligently
  • finish Love & War, read 7 by Jen Hatmaker
  • run Hood to Coast
  • go camping
  • hike 2 new places
  • go to the coast
  • finish Judges, read John, Philippians, 1 Samuel, Nahum, Haggai
  • compliment Nick daily
  • have lunch at least once with a friend
  • 5 social media- free days
  • get a massage or a pedicure
  • sign up for a hot yoga class
  • leave a 100% tip

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1 comment:

  1. Such beautiful snapshots! I spent some time in Northern Michigan (much like Canada!) in July too and I agree, I have never felt fuller. There is nothing like electronic free, quiet time with the people you love. You have such a sweet blog here! Xo, Alison


Thank you for your sweet comments - I read each one!